As an experienced developer we look to operate in partnership with landowners to bring Solar PV projects to fruition. Working with us allows for landowners to release value out of land that may otherwise not be productive
Create a reliable, steady and secure income on marginally productive land
We offer a zero-risk partnership to landowners as we cover all the development costs, planning, grid connection etc. and once the project is developed, we enter into a long-term lease for the land. Our foremost commitment is to ensure that landowners retain their role as custodians of their property.

Coexisting with Nature
We see a solar plant as a solar farm; we harvest the earth’s natural resource to create a needed commodity. Our objective is not to take over the countryside with this new type of farming – we want to coexist and blend into the existing landscape.
Our strategy is to continue to allow livestock grazing within our developments allowing for farming to continue.