East Pye

Norfolk, England

500 MW
In Development
Solar PV

Environmental savings

Tonnes of carbon saved per year
Average homes powered per year

Environmental savings

Tonnes of carbon saved per year
Average homes powered per year

Project information

The East Pye Project proposals include the installation of solar PV panels, a battery energy storage system (BESS), electrical substations, and infrastructure to connect to the 400kV overhead line between Norwich Main and Bramford. With the potential to deliver up to 500 MW of renewable energy, the project includes areas east of Long Stratton and near Great Moulton, where the BESS will be located.

East Pye Solar is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and planning permission for such projects will be secured through a Development Consent Order (DCO) which is determined by the Secretary of State at central government level, with the local authorities hosting the development acting as key consultees in that process.

Further details of the project can be found here: eastpyesolar.co.uk


We have completed our first stage of public consultation. We are now refining our plans before a second round of consultation in Summaer 2025. Find out more at the East Pye Solar website.

East Pye

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